Thursday, February 16, 2012

Predictable Books = Good Reading

A predictable picture book doesn't mean you can guess the ending or that there's a lack of suspense in the plot.
Predictable books for children have few words, a good deal of repetition, and pictures that reinforce the story. Sharing these types of books provides an opportunity to practice decoding words, better know as reading.
What Shall We Do With the Boo-Hoo Baby? by Cressida Cowell is a predictable book.

So while this might look like it's aimed at the toddler crowd (a good choice), it provides great reading practice for older children, like Kindergartners.
The pastel illustrations are simply delightful and add to the story as they show the well-meaning animal friends huddled on one side of the page, and the distraught baby on the other. New parents can relate. After some trial and error, the baby is soothed and everyone gets a much needed rest.

Language/Writing Extension Idea:
After reading the story once or several times, ask the question; "What makes you sad/cry?"
Make a list of everyone's suggestions on a piece of chart paper.
Take a look and note which suggestions are similar to things the book mentioned, or which children had similar ideas to each other.
Then ask the question: "What makes you feel better?"
Make another list of everyone's suggestions on another piece of chart paper.
Look for similarities again.  Talk about the things that friends can do to help each other.

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